List of products by brand Osiris

Our company is young and innovative.

The founder and the entire team are experienced and professional.
Our passion is to enable our customers to increase their well-being for body, mind and soul on a natural basis.
The great success of our products "Gelenkwohl" and "Kopfwohl" spurs us on every day to create more aroma care oils.
Also and just because of the fast growth of our company, we remain flexible, fast, customer-oriented and familiar.

Products and applications

In OSIRIS CBD Aroma Care Oil we combine the experience of international aroma care with the latest research on cannabidiol (CBD). Cannabidiol is the non-intoxicating active ingredient of the cannabis plant (Cannabis sativa), which has only been intensively researched and applied as a supplement to conventional medicine in recent years. CBD has an anti-anxiety, anti-inflammatory and anti-convulsant effect.

Studies and trends provide convincing evidence that the use of CBD can possibly alleviate the symptoms of a number of chronic inflammatory diseases, or positively influence them by activating the body's own self-healing powers.

Manufactured OSIRIS CBD Aroma Care Oil is made from a combination of various wild-collected essential oils and CBD oil, which is 100% naturally produced from the best (Swiss) European hemp. Our oil comes from the Fedora plant, which does not fall under the narcotics law due to its THC content of about 0.0%.
Of course, we also stick to cultivation without any fertilizers, poisons or chemical additives. For the extraction of the oil we use the gentle CO2 process. This guarantees a pure, residue-free extract.

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