Our wide selection of everything in the field of e-Smoke. Whether beginner, advanced, or even self-winder, we have a great selection for all.
We offer various liquids from numerous manufacturers. So you find, beside tobacco flavours, also fruity-fresh or also unusual taste combinations in our assortment. Our liquids are intended exclusively for the use of electronic cigarettes. Almost all our Liquids can be tested in our Shops.
E-Smoke Models
We offer a large selection of e-cigarettes from beginner to advanced. Gladly we advise you in one of our Shops or on the phone.
Battery Carrier MOD
The clearomizer Here the liquid is evaporated.
In this category you will find the vaporizers in different colors and designs. When filling the clearomizer or in the handling how to change the coil, there are some big differences.
Battery without a permanently installed battery require one or more replaceable lithium-ion batteries.
These powerful rechargeable batteries were originally developed for specially durable tools with heavy use.
It is important to note that there are different capacity levels such as 18350, 18650, 21700 and 26650.
For storage and safe transport of the batteries we recommend a storage box.
Do it Yourself
Here you will find everything you need to mix the liquids yourself and wind your own coils.