Pest Control

We concentrate in our plant protection assortment on biological means, since we are convinced that one should treat hemp like a food. With chemical pesticides it cannot be avoided that residues remain in the plant.

If biological agents are used correctly, there is no need for a "chemical weapon", provided that the plants are well observed and problems are dealt with in good time.

We distinguish between 3 different crop protection groups: Biological sprays (insecticides) against insects, Biological sprays (fungicides) against fungi and living beneficial insects against insects.

Biological sprays (insecticides) against insects:

When using biological insecticides, it is important to know which insect we want to control and how infested it is. It is also important that the treatment is repeated several times to really catch all insects, especially those that hatch after a treatment, because the eggs of the insects are immune to most sprays. Here are a few examples of insects and how to fight them:

  • Funeral mosquitoes: weak infestation; control with Solbac, strong infestation with Traunem

  • Spider mites: weak infestation; control with Natural, strong infestation by means of combination Natural and Sanoplant, with very strong infestation; a mixture of Natural, Sanoplant and Promanal

  • White flies: weak infestation; control with Natural, strong infestation by means of combination of Neem and Sanoplant

  • Thrips: Sanoplant

  • Aphids: weak infestation; control with Natural, strong infestation by means of combination of Natural and Sanoplant

  • Rust mites: Sulfur treatment with sulfur vaporizer

Biological sprays (fungicides) against fungi:

Here we distinguish between preventive and acute treatment. The greatest damage is caused by real and false mildew and mould (Botrytis).

Against mildew:

Preventive (at high humidity and high infestation pressure): Fenicur

Acute (if the fungus has already broken out): Before flowering; Airone and Cupromaag

Against mould: Hydroliq

Living beneficial insects against insects:

Beneficial insects are a good supplement to biological sprays, for example after a treatment phase, they can be applied like a "security" in the plant to destroy even the last insects and to prevent the infestation takes over again. It is important that the beneficial insects are not used if the infestation is too strong, as they can then not unfold great effect and are completely overtaxed.

The only exceptions are Solbac (Bacillus Thuringensis) and Traunem (Nematodes) against gnats.

Pest Control: pesticides, disinfection, cleaning, accessories


  • Plant protection products
  • beneficial organisms

    Please note the different delivery times of the beneficial insects:

    Ladybirds: Delivery only in odd calendar weeks and from April - beginning of October
    predatory mites: delivery in 2- 7 days
    Predatory mites low RH: delivery in 2- 14 days
    Cryptolaemus ladybird larvae: delivery in 2 - 14 days

    Which beneficial organisms are suitable against which pests?

    Here is a good overview of Andermatt Biocontrol: Download (German only sorry!)

  • Pest Control Accessories
  • Disinfection + Cleaning

There are 44 products.

Showing 1-24 of 44 item(s)