List of products by brand Mrs. Green

We are an innovative agricultural company specializing in the production and marketing of 100% legal hemp products. We love the hemp plant and are fascinated by the variety of possible applications. Thats why we advocate for the most versatile use of one of the oldest cultivated plants in the world.

We are an innovative agricultural company specializing in the production and marketing of 100% legal hemp products. We love the hemp plant and are fascinated by the variety of possible applications. Thats why we advocate for the most versatile use of one of the oldest cultivated plants in the world.

For the same reasons we fight for the social acceptance and stand up against the repression or for the legalization of the hemp plant as well as its active substances in this world. According to the motto: "the revolution is either in your spirit or it is nowhere". After all, the hemp plant has been used for many centuries in the most diverse (especially also in the medical field) for good reason.

All our products are 100% natural and are produced in Switzerland according to the guidelines of the Swiss legislation. We do not use any harmful substances and produce with a lot of dedication and love as far as possible according to organic standards. With our fellow men and mother nature we always maintain a fair and sustainable interaction.

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